Beginning your journey with crystals can be a transformative experience that offers a connection to the universe, as well as a tool for personal growth and energy management. However, as with any new venture, there are mistakes that can happen in the beginning and unfortunately, you can damage these precious gifts of nature with them.
We highlight three common mistakes beginners often make when caring for their crystals, along with safe alternatives to ensure your crystals remain intact and energetically powerful.
1. Cleaning Crystals with Water
Water is a natural cleaner and is often the first choice for cleaning various items. However, not all crystals are suitable for water.
Crystals not suitable for water:
- Selenite: Despite its calm beauty, due to its softness and composition, selenite can break down when exposed to moisture, especially water.
- Malachite: Known for its striking green color, malachite is toxic when submerged.
- Lapis Lazuli: This beautiful blue stone can lose its luster and color when exposed to water, but due to its pyrite content, moisture can cause rusting.
Alternative cleaning methods:
- Smoke Cleansing: Use smoke from sage, palo santa, or other incense. Crystal wraps in smoke; it will purify itself well.
- Selenite: Simply place crystals on or near a selenite plate or bar to remove negative energy from it.

2. Putting Crystals in Sol
Salt is another traditional cleanser. However, like water, it can be too aggressive for certain minerals.
Crystals not suitable for salt:
- Hematite: Known for its grounding properties, hematite can rust when exposed to salt.
- Pyrite: Often used to attract abundance in all areas, pyrite can dull and lose its luster in salt.
- Opal: Delicate and iridescent opals can dry out, crack or lose their color when salt is used to clean them.
Alternative cleaning methods:
- Smoke Cleansing: As mentioned above, smoke cleaning is a gentle but effective way to clear energies.
- Rice: You can place the crystals in a bowl of dry rice overnight. This will absorb negative energy. Don't forget to throw this rice away later, as it will no longer be suitable for use in food.

3. Charging the Crystals in the Sun
Sunlight can charge crystals, but intense rays can cause them to fade or become more brittle.
Crystals that can be damaged by sunlight:
- Amethyst: This purple stone can lose its vibrant and intense color in direct sunlight.
- Rose Quartz: Known for its loving energy, rose quartz can turn pale in direct sunlight.
- Aventurine: A crystal that brings happiness and abundance, it can become pale and brittle in direct sunlight.
Alternative Charging Methods:
- Moonlight: Charging crystals under the moon, especially during a full moon, is a gentle way to energize them without the risk of sun damage.
- Selenite charging: Selenite not only has good cleansing effects, but can also charge crystals. As with cleansing, place your crystals on or near the selenite to recharge.

By understanding the unique needs of your crystals, you can avoid these common mistakes and ensure they remain powerful allies on your path.
Whether you're cleaning crystals with smoke, filling them with moonshine, or simply want to learn more about their special care requirements, it's important to treat them with respect.
Such an approach to these natural gifts can deepen your connection with them and increase their energetic support.
Your Soul Time
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Mia, hvala za čudovit komentar! ♥️
Hvala za vaša obvestila o kristalih,veliko sem se naučila od vas,marsi kaj nisem vedela o njih a imam ih kar nekaj. Hvala ♥️
Hvala za vaša obvestila o kristalih,veliko sem se naučila od vas,marsi kaj nisem vedela o njih a imam ih kar nekaj. Hvala ♥️
Your Soul Time
Valentina, hvala! Smo veseli, da vidiš naš trud! ♥️
Valentina, hvala! Smo veseli, da vidiš naš trud! ♥️
Zdravo,moram pohvaliti članke in vsebine ,ki nas poučujejo o kristalih.Super da lahko preberem in izvem več o ravnanju z temi lepimi čudesi.Lp Valentina
Zdravo,moram pohvaliti članke in vsebine ,ki nas poučujejo o kristalih.Super da lahko preberem in izvem več o ravnanju z temi lepimi čudesi.Lp Valentina