
Kako se zaštititi od emocionalnih vampira s kristalima i mirisima
Spooky sezona je ovdje! 🎃 I dok većina nas razmišlja o "pumpkin spice" kavama i gubi se u strašnim labirintima, postoji jedna vrsta zlikovaca s kojima se borimo tijekom cijele godine — emocionaln...

10 najsnažnijih kombinacija kristala
Jedan od najmoćnijih načina kako iskoristiti puni potencijal kristala je njihovo kombiniranje. Kombinacije kristala omogućuju sinergijsko djelovanje među njima, što povećava njihove pojedinačne ene...

The best crystals for travel
In addition to being an exciting adventure, travel also brings its share of stress and unpredictability. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or planning your first big trip, these crystals can en...

Incense, Aromatherapy and Crystals for Better Sleep
Achieving quality sleep often feels out of reach. However, if you include incense, aromatherapy and crystals in your routine, you can significantly improve its quality.
Below I present to you an...

Combining crystals with incense - how to achieve the greatest effect?
My use of incense started with Palo Santo , which I bought for the purpose of stimulating creativity and evening relaxation. Soon after Palo Santo, I reached for different crystals with different p...

How to use crystals?
We often believe that strict rules accompany us everywhere in life. This belief can sometimes hold us back from trying new things, especially in the mystical world of crystals.
Many are fascinate...

Do crystals really work? - Exploring history, science and personal meaning
For thousands of years, the magic of crystals has stirred the human imagination and encouraged the exploration of their magic. This passion for crystal research is growing today, and along with th...

The Rich History of Palo Santo: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Practice
Happy Beltane!
Beltane is a festival of fire, of abundance, where we celebrate the peak of spring and the beginning of summer.
We would like to mark this holiday together with you in a very sp...

Can you combine crystals with each other?
When you look at your beautiful collection of crystals, you probably often think: "Can I even mix them together?"
What happens when you put crystals of opposite energies in your pocket? Is there...